Secure Code

Who is this service for?
This service is dedicated for companies that produce software, either internally or as a part of their offering, which are looking for efficient ways for building the security and compliance into their products as a way to improve their competitiveness.

It's also dedicated to companies that deliver the off-the-shelf software and are aiming at reducing the cost of the vulnerability management by discovering and fixing vulnerabilities early in the development process.

This service should be considered especially by the companies relying heavily on web 3.0 / blockchain solutions to manage high risks associated with these emerging technologies.
What do you get?
As our client, you will receive a comprehensive code assessment report that will provide you with a detailed analysis of the security risks associated with your software. This report will identify any vulnerabilities that were found during the assessment, their severity, and recommended remediation steps.

It will also provide you with a risk assessment matrix that will help you prioritize your remediation efforts based on the potential impact and likelihood of each vulnerability.

In addition to the code assessment report, we offer optional follow-up training for your developers, based on the most common errors that they made so far. This training is designed to help your team understand the security risks associated with your software and learn how to write more secure code in a software stack of your choice by avoiding dangerous code patterns.

Our training is customized to meet the needs of your team and includes practical exercises and real-world examples that will help your team apply the concepts they learn.
Finally, our service includes recommendations for improving the overall security and quality of your software. These recommendations are based on industry-standard secure coding practices and can help you build more resilient and reliable software.

Our goal is to help you reduce the cost of vulnerabilities, improve compliance, and build customer trust.
How does this service work?
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